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Old 09-19-2009, 11:42 PM
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fkshiu fkshiu is offline
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fkshiu is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
Hmm. Mac..$1400 for a 13in. or $1750 for the same with a bit of speed.

Half the price one can purchase various other brands, including larger screens or for 3/4 the price, a faster system with a 17in. screens. So when it craps in a few years, get another and your still the same amount as the Mac.

What am I missing here. Longevity ?
FREEDOM from all the Windows bugs, crashes, viruses etc etc has been easily worth the premium for me.

Once you go Mac, you will never go back (or so says those who have drunk Steve's Koolaid - like me)
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