Originally Posted by moppy
I just wanted to say that these guys (although they have really nice prodcuts and good service) are WAY< WAY< WAY overpricing their stuff and we need to stop paying these ridiculous prices. Taking a colony that was bought for $20 and breaking it into 20 pieces and charging $30 per frag is a big rip off. Just thought we should start taking a bit of a stand as prices are going up fast because we are willing to pay it, not because it's worth it.
note: this is about wicked frags at all, it's a lot of the dealers that are over charging for frags
Do everyone a favor and stick to the $20 colonies of brown zoos if that's all you need, but don't bash good vendors who provide true collectors with the products they desire. It's not overpriced if someone buys it, simple as that.