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Old 09-18-2009, 04:56 AM
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Default How to raise Magnesium


I recently bought some chemicals of a fellow canreefer and got some Magnesium (originally he got it from littlesilvermax I think).

I tested my parameters tonight and the Magnesium is sitting about 1100ppm. So it's a little bit low.

How would I go about raising it. I was reading through the Randy's 2 part article and it says to dissolve both magnesium and epsom salts together to raise the Mg?

What does the epsom salts do, and do you have to use epsom salts when raising Mg.

What should my dosage be, I have about 280 gallon water volume. My calcium is at 400, and my alk at 9dkh.

Should I dissolve some Magnesium into top off water? Thanks so much.
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