Originally Posted by Ian
Um and edmonton played almost all rookies as well.....pre season means little but man Flames fans are touchy already......calgary did well to improve on the defense but really until you get a true elite goalie you will not be cup contenders....bring on the hate...... But take a looke Kipper's numbers make him a bottom line goalie when compared to the rest of the NHL. I don't believe they will contend this year.
Edmonton has young players starting to mature and Comrie for 1.15 million may prove to be a steal. The real improvement is in coaching, this groups will have the locker room behind them and should get more out of the team. Oh did I mention the flame killer in net.
Oil makes playoffs and Calgary chokes in 1/2nd round once again.
I don't see where Flames fans are touchy,considering NONE of our top Dmen played and none of the cream of the crop played either. I seen alot of Edmonton veterans on the ice.
Kipper plays 76 games to your "Elite" goalie that plays 42. Kipper has 45 wins and yours 25.
Of course his numbers will go down,he plays twice as many minutes as your guy. You play Kipper the same amount of games as Khabibulin and I bet his numbers are better. To say Kipper's not an elite gaolie is typical of someone that doesn't like him. That would be like me saying Luongo is crap cause he play for the Canucks.