09-16-2009, 07:05 PM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Medicine Hat Alberta
Posts: 65
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Originally Posted by Tyson
HI everyone, thanks for the really quick response, here is everything that i have for sale.
Coral grow tank 24x24x8 with returns. $150
sunlight supply lumen Max3 pendant 250w DE. $60 SOLD TO DAVID
sunlight supply galaxy ballast 250watt (2years old). $50 SOLD TO DAVID
remora skimmer $30
200w heater. $30
175w? stealth heater.$30
Mag drive 4 return pump(10months old). $40
Redsea wave master controller. $30
1 tunze nano PH. $50
vertex zeovit RX. $75
SWC 160 skimmer in white (great skimmer,maybe 6months old) $150
30gal sump/tank (standard 30x12x18) $30
Two fishes phosban RX w/maxijet pump. $20
biocube 8 gal nano tank w/korali nano PH. $85
LR around 60LBS. $100
Elos test kits Cal,Mag. $30 for both
API test kits nitrate, nitrite,amonia,KH,PH. $30
Refractor meter.$30
3/4-1/2 a bucket of H2Ocean salt mix. $30
Zeovit products.
Aminoacid HC half full. $10
Coralvitalizer half full. $10