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Old 08-20-2003, 06:45 PM
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theshad theshad is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Default Introducing Reef Crew Your Source for Live Marine Food

Reef Crew is a Canadian Company specializing in Live Marine Food for the marine aquarist.
With the number of people keeping marine aquariums in their homes and offices growing everyday, the need to properly maintain and feed these fragile ecosystems is also increasing. Many of you are aware of what you should be feeding your tanks but may be unaware of where to get the necessary foods.

We are your single point to purchase the live food that your marine aquariums demand.

Reef Crew was created in order to fill what we feel to be a void in the Canadian saltwater aquarium market. We are hobbyists as well and we found it difficult to locate a reliable and local source for live marine food. The ability to ship live food or animals across international borders is getting harder and more costly. Reef Crew has now provided you with an alternative.

For more information visit our web site at