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Old 09-15-2009, 03:01 AM
Starry Starry is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Lethbridge, AB
Posts: 619
Starry is on a distinguished road

7-8" (8.3" the record apparently) isnt that big, its one of the smaller tangs. However I know its gonna need a larger swimming area as it grows. All tangs are prone to ich as far as I know. I'm hoping with a varied diet with lots of vitamins and greens, plus the cleaner shrimp I can keep that down to a min. If I have to I'll get a uv sterilizer. But as I said, so far so good, not even a speck.

Anyhow, it's eating nori now, and trimming down all the various types of algea in my tank. Seems to like everything I put in the tank flake, pellets, nori, and various food foe carnivores that I feed the other fishies and corals.
180 custom starfire
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