Well we got back from Van Sat and proceded to Aclimate live rock and coral just 2 pieces that we picked up from Aquadic Addictions. These were very small frags but worth it. After finaly getting them in the tank and turnning off the lights in the basment where the tank is setup. We went over to my mom's and brought supper. Came back and had a look at the rock andfound many things running around on them. I got a mushroom on one freebe, a couple of spunges and to top it off we got 2 orange feather dusters and one red feather duster. Some of the other feather dusters on some of the rock we picked up last week have grown quite a bit. When putting this batch of rock in the tank a 1/4 inch start fish letgo of one of the rocks. It was white I tried to watch where it laned so I would not place a rock on it but with a white sand bottom it hard to keep track. My sand is farly corse quite a bit of shell in it also, I have finner stuff under the corse is was done because 1) the corse was the live sand and 2) I like the look of having shells showing. I think it loos more natural this way I can change it at anytime, I have about 1 1/2 to 2 inchs on the bottom of my tank. I sure hope the star fish makes it and I hope it is a sand sifter I think they are cool star fish. Some of the live rock has worms berowed into it. There is also little whith coral tubs on the rock the a very fine tentical comes out of and then there is the soft white cotten looking tenticals or web on a few of the rocks looks very cool. shrimp swimming and running around on the rock, I think I like this batch better.
Tank test the four basic ones are PH 8.2 and nitrite ,nitrate and ammonia all test 0 still. Got to remember there is around 70 pounds of LR maybe a bit more. I have a couple more pieces to pickup that were having a bath for atapsia. I also had to pick up a few snails and a few blue legged hermit crabs. There is one of the Hermits that crawls up to the highest point on the rock and just sits there. I got these as there is a bit of green algea growing and a bit of brown elgea on the sand. I also picked up my skimmer barly fits in the 15g sump May have to make it a 2 partition sump insted of a 3 partition. I am looking at 20g sump this week when I can make arangment with the guy he is a canreefer and he also has a 90g tank which my wife said get it for that price so I will he also has an over flow that I am getting need backup unit. I will probably wind up with both tanks going just conect the 15g and 20g then I can have a good sized Sump and fuge or maybe somthing else but it will increase the water volume.
well picked up the 90g from bloat (jim) that is nice tank was hopping it was a long 90g but this works as now I don't have to get new lights. He said it was a starfire glass tank. Anyway it is nice and the sump, I will have to take apart to fix properly. After closer inspection so I need to get a piece of glass cut to fit the whole bottom and reasemble the tank as if were new going to be hard getting the braces off anf the baffels out but not imposable, then I am inbisseness. Now notice My wife told me to get these new parts for the next build. I think something is up.
Yesterday I picked up the last piece of LR for a bit nice branching coral, he had it in a tank with a bunch of shrimp. Atapsia cleaning tank should have done 2 of the other rocks but I got the little buggers that were on them Joe's juice. Any ways he was holding a couple of fish we decided to buy for our daughter as her hamster died a little while back. i would not let her get anouther one did you know they only live between 1 and 3 years depending and what type they are. So he kind of say You're going to take the fish today aren't you. Wheles start turning and I come to the conclusion that he had someone else interested in them. I say ok my tank is only about 4 day early for fish. We get them home and put bag in tank water 1 hour latter open bag add stress coat and meds and some tank water leave for 1 hour add more water . After 3 .5 hours of this by the way lights are out in basment no one else aloud neer tank. I have fed them and they eat like little pigs did not feed tomuch as they are only in the bag. Kids go to tank and I get to add fish with blue light on. Once in the tank I give them a bit of thawed brine shimp in tank water with a plkastic squert bottle they tank it right for the end first thing. I like feeding my fish this way that way I know that everyone gets some food. After a bit of food not to much all lights off again. Came back down stairs about 2 hours latter and one fish is not to be seen. Looked in every nook and cranny mover a bunch of rocks, I then took the bio life filter off its backing plate (by the way the bio life filter is comming out in anouther week or so.)
Tonight PH was up a bit but the rest of the test were all 0,0,0. so I think the tank is just ajusting to having a couple fish in it. I fed the two true perculas tonight they eat their fill under watchfull eyes once they stoped taking food readily feeding stoped. I find this way there is not much excess food in the tank. everything is growing including algae snails seem to be catching up though. Every time my wife gose down stairs she looks for the fish now and she is in the basments alot. I get my kids to help do stuff with the tank nothing to complicated. I have a outmatic feeder and lights are on a timer. so if we are away for a few days every thing will be alright. When away lights on for 8 hours only.
Last edited by bvlester; 09-28-2009 at 05:45 AM.
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