Thread: conix's 75G
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Old 09-14-2009, 02:34 AM
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Default RBTA in a basket

FTS-less update today.

A picture of my hippo tang asleep, taken early in the morning under room lighting.. he likes to lie down flat while sleeping.. very cute

My twinspot gobies won't stop. They are digging dungeons everywhere. I'm worried that some rocks that are not sitting on the eggcrate floor may tip over and cause rock slide! So far, that hasn't occurred, but these guys are very cute! Everyone loves them (most are fooled by the false eyes).

Now, I had to let go my RBTA split, as it was brushing against several acro frags and causing some damage. The anemone was already sold before I had a chance to place a for-sale ad. However, I had to keep it for few days, and had some issues with it moving over to unwanted place. Finally I decided to make the floating basket, similar to what's used by LFS to keep them in a place. Picked up $1 basket and attached styrofoams.

Attached to a string to let it float in the middle of water surface, RBTA settled in nicely and now I know how to get the bubbles back! Look at this picture, the tentacles are becoming nice and bubbly!

That's all for now.. there were some minor rearrangements done in the tank, will post FTS soon.
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