salt and power head (SOLD)
i have a full tub of instant ocean salt (used once for a 10 gallon water basically full) $35
koralia 3 powerhead used for 1 year. $30
will sell both for $50.
-200 Gal Bowfront Tank
- Lps, Sps, Zoos, Ricordia
- Emperor angel, Yellow tang, Regal tang, Kole tang,Foxface, Lawnmower, Yellow Watchman, Twin spot, Mandarin, 2 Cinnamin clowns, 2 Percula clowns.
-25+ Hermits, Cleaner shrimp, Coral banded shrimp, Peppermint shrimp.
Last edited by shizean; 09-15-2009 at 05:05 PM.