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Old 09-13-2009, 09:47 PM
Starry Starry is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Lethbridge, AB
Posts: 619
Starry is on a distinguished road

Was at J&l yesterday and picked up a few new additions.

Bought a small orchid dotty. (whos made friends with my hi-fin goby)
A tail spot blenny,
Emerald crab to help out with my bubbles.

In another post I asked about the Powder Brown tang. After much deliberation and reserch, (and the fact they were the only tang J&L had) I decided to get a small one.

Not even 15 min after going into the display he was out swimming with the clowns and sixline. Being worked over by the cleane shrimp,(ich free so far)And eating like crazy! Absolutly gorgeous fish. Will keep ya'll updated on his progress..

Also grabbed some PE mysis, and frozen formula 2

As for the Vertex, Im impressed. Its producing about 2 cups of skim a week (that will increase with the new additions). Fairly quiet, easy to clean, and I like the drain port feature.

Will post pix when I get em.
180 custom starfire
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