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Old 09-10-2009, 07:08 AM
Posts: n/a

Well on sunday I was able to buy some Live rock localy for a good price. He is treating a piece of bronching coral rock for me as it had a atapia on it it should be dead when I pick it up. I found one on a piece that I brought home. I have huge seringe about 2-3 oz's boiled up some water.I then squerted the little devil with 2 seringes and it has not showen its head again, I took the rock out of the tank to do this. I have been watching my tanks paramiters carfully ammonia, nitrate and nitrite are all at 0 Ph went up today a bit to 8.3. Built my sump today so that is done recieved my 2 return pumps. Going to get my protiene skimmer this weekend, my aunt was down at her beach cottage in Washington last weekend with all her kid sna dgrandkids. I don't blame her one bit it is hard for them all to get together. I am still finding new stuff on the rock from Aquadic Addictions 2-3 oysters and some spunges and worms copods feathers and maybe a coaral if it servives it didn't look to good I think the rock was picked up by the coral.
A single coliny. Anyway it did take some baby brine shrimp that I had frozen other than that i have larger stuff, I have been grinding up dried stuff for the feathers and morms allittle bit every couple of days. I take four or fife small pellets and grind uning a morter and pestle work great.

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