Well when I make the switch to the 230g, I will have some stuff for sale or trade.
1. 90g Tank- black silicone, clear acrylic center brace, 48 x 18 x 24($90.00 tank only). If someone is intrested I would like to get rid of the stand and maybe the hood as well, color is white. I would like to get $150 for the whole package.
2. DIY overflow, when the power goes off or you turn the return pump off is starts beautifuly again. It has a 1.5" drain hole. This is currently run on my 90g and is drained into the basement sump. It included 3 u tubes and the installed 1.5" bulkhead. Adjustable water height is made possible by an adjustable internal box.$65.00. Cost me $45 for just the u tubes by themselves.
3. Redsea wave master pro with 2 MJ 1200 powerheads which have been used for about 5 month's. $125.00 (Sold to TEEVEE)
4. 30g tank, black silicone $25.00, 2 x 10g tank's $5.00 each.
5. Some pendant reflectors made of aluminum. Silver on the inside and outside. No socket or anything, just the reflector. $10 each.
The 90g tank/stand/hood, Wavemaker and overflow will not be availiable for about 10 days or so and there may be more stuff added here as the move happen's