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Old 09-08-2009, 12:29 AM
Barrie Barrie is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Aldergrove, BC
Posts: 16
Barrie is on a distinguished road

Update!! So things are rolling along well. We lost a Xenia to a cute little crab - no haven't caught the little bugger yet, but he's toast when we do (nasty little hitchhiker that my hubby named 'Hannibal' - he crawls inside the stalk of the Xenia and wears it like a costume - creepy!!). Other than that, we've lost one shrimp, though who knows how old it was when we got it, a few snails, a few tiny hermits, and one hairy orange crab that was trying to kill a soft coral (hubby took care of him - I didn't ask questions!). Now, we have added lots of 'stuff' to the tank, including an amazing purple gorgonian from Aquatic Addictions, a few colonies of mushrooms and polyps, a frogspawn frag, a green slimer frag, an acropora from J&L, a new Xenia, and my new favorite a sarcophyton (toadstool leather). Within half an hour of being in the tank, the smaller clown (assuming male) immediately started hosting in it. It took the bigger (female?) 24 hours and now she's hosting too. They LOVE their toadstool. The toadstool seems to like them too, although it kicked out the little guy in the middle of the night. But everyone is happy today, so no complaints! Here's a pic of the clowns and toadstool (forgive the crappy pic - best I can do with this camera and a not so perfect acrylic tank - hey, it was free, so no complaints! LOL).

We haven't added any other fish besides a signal goby who's life mission is to excavate under the plate coral. i'm waiting patiently for J&L to get black capped basslets - I want one. Then that will be it. We did get an electric blue hermit crab who is rather huge, but he has behaved himself so far (bit of a clumsy oaf, but hasn't hurt anything). I can totally see why you guys are so committed to your tanks - this stuff is addictive!! We're looking at setting up the next one this year sometime - maybe a 90 gal? MTS strikes again!
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