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Old 09-04-2009, 06:29 PM
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Aquatic Addictions Aquatic Addictions is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Abbotsford
Posts: 261
Aquatic Addictions is on a distinguished road

We did get a few new items in for corals and fish and they too fall under the sale.

Also after much deliberation we will be changing things around also for our lighting so the Photon (4 x 250W 12 x HO T-5s) and the SFILIGOI (3 x 400W 8 x HO T-5's) will be up for sale JUST prior to closing Sept 30th. They will be going for 1800 each. We will be using different lights once we start again !!!!

Also will have some store tanks as mentioned up for grabs with prices yet to be determined. Feel free and come in and talk to us about your needs. We would like to clear out as much as we can to make space for the new equipment and re positioning . Our goal is to have a completely different atmosphere in store with some major system modifications.
