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Old 09-04-2009, 05:35 PM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
Hehe thanks guys :-)

I love the Maristar fixture. It is pretty sturdy. I can't see it falling into the tank anytime soon :-) To be honest I am not sure if it would be able to handle 32 inches width. It does my 24 just fine (with the fixture 10 inches above the water). I suppose if you raised the light a little more it would spread more. It is a pretty simple design and gets the job done though. What I don't like are the Galaxy Dual Ballasts. I have gone through two of them now. The first one had one side that only worked for 5 hours at a time. Returned it and got another one. The second one had one side quit completely after a week. I am in the process of returning that one now and just sticking with the Galaxy single ballasts. I have one of those for the third halide and it has worked like a champ since day one.

Sucks to hear about your troubles with the Dual Ballast.. I had the Dual 250 Galaxy as well on my 75G and it worked flawlessy for the 9 months I had it..

As mentioned.. Very nice tank!
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