Oh my - nothing subtle about that! Certainly makes for a quick start to the auction.
Originally Posted by marie
Just so nobody thinks they'll actually get it for next to nothing I'll start the bid at $300 
Good eye, and thank you. I changed it yesterday soon as you posted it.
Originally Posted by christyf5
Hey Dave you need to edit #5 for the bidding end date/time 
Thanks! And I expect I will be adding at least 1 or 2 other fantastic pieces before the end of the auction, including the "grape Jelley"
Originally Posted by Chaloupa
DROOLING...these are fantastic!
The great thing about this hobby. And yes I have seen the way Marie grows corals - wish I could grown them that fast.
Originally Posted by muck
lol.. If marie wins there should be enough frags for everyone within the year. 