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Old 09-03-2009, 03:16 PM
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they are almost big enough for dinner.

Just kidding, but wow!!! I agree nice shells.

Anyone looking for a nice Blue legged crab... very beatiful, but I have him in one of my overflows... was in my sons 2 gallon sw tank, but found it that it liked eating his fish, as his first nemo I found did and munched on. I didn't suspect him... but when my son came screaming for me and I go to see that here is his second Nemo caught by the crab, still alive, but when I tried to get him to let go, all the stress I created eventually was terminal to the little guy. So I grabbed the crab and threw him in my overflow and off the the LFS for Nemo #3, who is happy and growing stress free with a blenny and a cleaner shrimp.

If anyone interested make me an offer and come get him, very bright blue in a shell that is maybe 2-3 inches, so decent size. I live in S.W. Calgary
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