Check this guy out!!!
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09-03-2009, 02:56 AM
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Calgary N.W., Alberta
Posts: 314
Check this guy out!!!
So I have been meaning to start a thread on this Guy. But first the story about him. My friend has bought two this guys thinking that they would handle his long hair alge problem. He was wrong. they distroyed his tank ate everything but the hair alge. Then he moved them in a tank of there own for awhile. He got bore of them. So he asked me if I would take them. I said yes Knowing what they are.I saw them at the LFS a month before. I was planning to start a weird speices tank. Everything was good for a month until the smaller one attacked the bigger one when it was moulting. I mean distroyed him one leg and a claw. The one I have left has moulted at least 6 time. He is bigger then a baseball and small them a soft ball. His a Red Hermit Crab. More ornge the red. It may reach the size of an adult human fist with an appetite to match. I feed him a shrimp or two from the local supper market. so here he is!
So what do everyone think?
All of the things that I have lost in my life. The one thing that I miss the most is my mind!
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