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Old 09-02-2009, 09:50 PM
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globaldesigns globaldesigns is offline
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Location: Calgary, AB
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globaldesigns is on a distinguished road

As a business owner, I cannot get defensive nor fight with a customer. It doesn't matter if the customer is right or wrong, but what does matter is that at the end of the process the customer leaves feeling warm and fuzzy...

Many times I wanted to tell a customer where to go, but have found that biting my tongue and doing whatever I can will always work out for both sides. The odd occasion, I myself can't satisfy the customer, but that is rare.

The old saying, happy customers tell a few, mad ones tell everyone... so you choose what customers you want to help grow your business.

Fragalot, having this negative publicity, is it worth it? For me it wouldn't be... doing more harm than good... I haven't bought from you, but can say I won't now.

Hopefully you both can work things out.