Thread: Feeding Live
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Old 09-01-2009, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
I also find it difficult to understand why some hobbyists spend hundreds of dollars to in order to keep their tank inhabitants alive and think nothing of throwing in live critters to feed predators.

I share your thought that many of them simply enjoy observing predation. So sad!!
Don't see what the issue is here. I really enjoy observing all of my animals exhibit a healthy feeding response whether it is my Poison dart frogs searching for and eating fruit flies or my snakes eating live mice. The same applies to my fish. A healthy feeding response to live prey is something that I think is a good sign of health in captivity and is nothing to be sad about. These animals do not eat dead food in nature and why would I want to only provide dead frozen food to all my animals if I have the option to provide them with a live healthy alternative? I enjoy nature in all forms and predation is an integral part of that, a part that cannot be ignored. Each hobbiest can decide for themselves what they are comfortable with as we can provide a fairly full balanced diet to most of our inhabitants with prepared food. But if someone wants to supplement this with live feedings, I feel that this is their prerogative, and a great representation of the natural world in our little glass boxes. Isn't that what we are trying to recreate in the first place?
Sorry for the rant, just like my food fresh too!
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