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Old 09-01-2009, 02:23 PM
rayjay rayjay is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: London, Ontario
Posts: 340
rayjay is on a distinguished road

I too use I.O. but I've had a running problem with cyano in just two of my eight salt water tanks. If it's I.O. based, why isn't the problem in all of the tanks?
In my 15+ yrs of the hobby, I've found a lot of blame misplaced on the forums by people assuming something has caused the problem without any scientific proof.
i.e. after doing "X", I had the problem of "Y", so "X" caused my "Y" problem.
I could do the same thing with my two cyano plagued tanks and say that sand beds are the cause because the two plagued tanks have sand beds and the others do not.
I'd be willing to bet that of all the I.O. used tanks out there, less than half have a cyano problem so the question is, why some and not others?
Next question, why do users of other salts have a certain percentage of their tanks plagued with cyano?
Possibly because I.O. is the most used salt, there are a greater number of I.O. used cyano tanks than other salt used cyano tanks, distorting the picture.
It's like when my customers ask me what van to purchase and when I replied, Caravan, they would say they have heard too many complaints about Caravans so they don't want them.
In fact, because there are so many Caravans on the road, like maybe as many Carvans as all the rest of the vans put together, then if 1% of them have problems, and you compare it to 1% of problem Windstars for instance, it would look like Windstar has a LOT fewer problems than a Caravan.

As far as the containers go, I don't use the Brute, but have 9-26g Rubbermaid Roughneck containers holding water and raising brine shrimp and rotifers and I use the water from them, plus the brine and rots grown in them, to raise H. Reidi seahorse fry that are smaller than an adult brine shrimp when they are born.
While they are definitely much larger than the more sensitive gametes, I have no concern about my use of the same water in my tanks, feeling that if the containers were a significant problem, I would also experience problems with the sensitive seahorse fry.
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