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Old 09-01-2009, 05:59 AM
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Dez Dez is offline
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 1,793
Dez is on a distinguished road

Okay, Here are the promised pictures. Soon I will inherit my wife's camera and won't have to use my cell phone camera anymore. Here is the 75 gal reservoir I added last week:

You can see the float valve at the top right. That's hooked up directly to my RO/DI. I'll probably only turn on the RO once a week when the tank is half empty. At the left of the tank is just my siphon tube going directly to my float valve in the sump. Pretty low tech auto top-off system - gravity.

Here's a closer look at my float valve mount, made it in about 5- 10 minutes with scrap glass:

Here is a FTS on the den side:

As you can see, I have a bit of cyano. I attribute it still to new tank syndrome. I have undetectable phosphates and nitrates. Calcium at 400 and Alk at 9 dkh. Tested about 10 minutes ago. Here's one from the living room side. I really do need a real camera.

I am seeing growth on a lot of my frags. Some "garbage" pieces that I've picked up from friends are colouring up nicely (purple/pinks) with new growth tips. I need to order new bulbs as I have no idea of the age of the bulbs cause my lights are from 5 years ago bought used. Any suggestions on nice colour/brand of 250Watt DE bulbs? I will eventually get T5's for either sides of the halides (they are actually on order from my LFS). Thanks for viewing.
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