Originally Posted by noirsphynx
Laurie, that toad fish is awesome. I would have bought him if I had a proper tank 
Apparently I posted pic.'s of him to soon

Last night when I put him in he was loosing his slime coat a bit (I figured due to stress of being moved from the store) but otherwise seemed ok. He stayed in the corner and my lunare wrasse came over to check him out but everyone left him alone no one was picking on him at all, they all pretty much ignored him. However as of last night I'm not sure my grouper realized he was even in there, and my grouper was who I was concerned about picking on him. My king angel is mean too but he saw the toadfish go in and had no interest in him at all.
I got home from work today and checked on the tank and I thought I saw his tail sticking out between the rock in the middle of the very back of the tank. I figure he's probably a bit nocturnal and he's hiding, because when I checked on the tank this morning he was out front and center swimming around. I was told he eats silversides from big als. So I drive out to big als (which is on the other side of the city from were I live) to pick up some food for him figuring I'll feed him in the morning when the lights are out. Unfortunately when I got to big als they were all sold out of silversides. I was mad at myself the whole car ride home for not phoning first and finding out before I drove all the way there.
So I get back home and check on the tank again, and I see my toadfish's backside of his body at the back of the tank not moving, I say "

NO NO NO this isn't happening" Steve comes over and takes a look on the other side of the tank and see's the front of him... and sure enough he's dead

Didn't look like there were any bite marks on him, and of course I was at work so I don't know what happened. I know my nitrates are a bit high, but I read in Scott Michael's Marine Fishes book that toadfishes are a durable fish often found in polluted water in the wild, and that they can tolerate suboptimal conditions in captivity. So I don't think water quality was the issue and all my other fish including my new pink tail trigger I bought yesterday are doing good. However I wonder if when the lights came on my grouper realized he had a new tank mate and decided he didn't like the toadfish. I wouldn't put it past my grouper to chase the toadfish around the tank until he was so stressed out that it killed him. Not sure if that's what happened or not, wish I had of been home to see if the other fish were picking on him.
Wish I knew what happened, I wanted this fish since I 1st saw it in the store a few weeks ago, and I finally convince Steve to let me bring him home and he dies the next day

So sorry Taylor I feel just sick about losing such a wonderful fish