Originally Posted by bignose
It looks a little clunky for my liking, i would like to avoid as much light bleed from the mug as possible.
if you go to Walmart they have teh MH small ones its like 30 w or 50 W its a DE and its on a nice silver stand that sits over the tank..... that's if they still have them there...
ooooo...metal halide...that may be interesting. To walmart!!
I swapped out the "Quiet one" pump for an Ocean Runner. Much happier with this pump, it won't shake my fillings loose. I also used some spaflex and moved the pump behind to sofa to further quiet the hum.
My float came in the mail today. I love these little guys, simply the best float valve when you have little space to work with. Now i got to tear off some baseboards to run some line for feeding the float from the reservoir upstairs.