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Old 08-31-2009, 06:37 PM
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BullDog BullDog is offline
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Default 15 gallon freshwater "project tank" (DUW)

So it all started at the end of July (28th) with Petcetera's going out of business sale. I was there just to check out what % off they had, and they had a bunch of used 10 gallon tanks for $6! Then, I saw a rimless "20 gallon" tank for $8. I checked the dimensions and figured out it was a 15 gallon, not that it really mattered. I asked the clerk if she knew if it would hold water, she said it probably should, and was just used for crickets. I figured, well, it's too good of a deal to pass up, and scooped it, hoping it would hold water.

Checked it outside, and there was no leaks, horray! After some deliberation, I decided to put it on my dresser. I had an ancient Fluval 1 internal filter laying around, and started that up with just a bit of filter floss. Used an old UVB CFL bulb and gooseneck lamp, and stuck a couple water lettuce and water hyacinth in there.

The next day (July 29), I decided on sand for a substrate. We had a bucket of sand that was either playsand or a burst sandbag. Rinsed that forever, until it was clear, but still when I put it in it made the water nice and muddy. I brought in filter reinforcements (an Aquaclear 300), and let it run for about 24 hrs.

It still wasn't clearing up too well, so I did about 2.5 water changes, and added some activated carbon to the Fluval. By the next day it was looking quite presentable. Bought some corkscrew val and stuck that in there too.

Added some rocks from my rock collection (I think most of these rocks I collected when I was about 10!). This one is my favourite. It a reddish purple with blue/silver stripes, and it almost looks like putty!

Went back to Petcetera (Boy, did they get a lot of my money when they closed! ) and picked up some little LED lights, since the tank was looking a bit dark in one corner.

Looks really cool when the big light is off:

Initially I was planning on doing a planted tank with maybe some inverts, but it's hard to find inverts here. I figured I'd get some white cloud minnows, since I've had them before, and I know they're hardy. I also looked up betta care, and thought it'd be pretty cool if I set it up with a couple of female bettas.

First I basically mirror-imaged the tank, so the cords for the filter and the light would be closer to the plug-in. (You can also see how nicely the water has cleared up)

Made a lid out of scrap egg crate, since I know white clouds are jumpers, and I've heard bettas can be jumpers too.

So on Aug. 1, I went to the pet store and bought 5 white clouds. They only had one female betta in at the time, and they said she was brought in by someone who was "going to more aggressive fish." But I thought she was pretty, and picked her up.
Was posting some pics on bcaquaria, and I find out "she" is actually a male Plakat betta! I figure I got a good deal since 1) female bettas are sold cheaper than males, and 2) I've never even seen a plakat for sale here!
Part of how he was properly identified was this giant bubble nest he blew in his first couple of days in the new tank.

Decided to call the minnows the "Rat Pack".

And the betta (now properly identified as male) I call "Morbo".

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