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Old 08-31-2009, 12:17 AM
BlueWorldAquatic's Avatar
BlueWorldAquatic BlueWorldAquatic is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 2,160
BlueWorldAquatic is on a distinguished road

Thank you, to all that attended the 1st Annual Frag Fest. For all of you that could not attend, there is always next year.

This would not have happend without the most important people.... YOU!!! and you all know who you are.

I would like to thank our sponsors in no particular order;

Henry & Gillian, "Natures Corner Store"
Steve, "Little Oceans"
Kevin & Rhonda, "Red Coral"
Burc, "Fragalot"
Greg, "Coral Master"
Brad, "Tailored Aquatics"
Jason, "M&M Meats & Subway"
Carl, "Pizza 73"

Also I would like to extend my thanks to my staff and those that helped out.

Hope to see you all again next year.

Ken - BWA

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