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Old 08-29-2009, 05:46 AM
LostMind LostMind is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Port Moody
Posts: 821
LostMind is on a distinguished road
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Tony, you were here when I started my crazy reef tank adventure many many years ago. You're still here. Don't do what I did... faced a little adversity and I quit (broke my 320g dream tank). Since the day I tore down the 120g and 90g, I've been looking to get into another tank.

I regret my decision to give up those two tanks nearly every day. I've since moved to a newer house with much less room to keep tanks and am searching for ways to fit in a new tank.

You do not want to be me! Although, I do not want to be you right now

Then again, I don't think you need a pep talk.

Good luck though.
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