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Old 08-29-2009, 12:14 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Default FS - Sargassum Trigger - $150

This beautiful fish has become to boisterous for Irene's porcupine puffer so I thought I'd make her happy and find it a new home.

Totally reef-safe. Lives with all sorts of corals and 3 anemones (1 magnifica & 2 RBTAs). Will eat shrimp or crabs though. Loves to eat pellets, krill, frzn foods, almost anything in fact.

Very healthy and ready for pickup. (I'll probably have to tear down my tank to catch it out though). These are quite rare, hard to find REEF-SAFE triggers.

Not desperate to sell it, but if someone wants it and can provide a good home, then I'm willing to reaquascape the 120g to catch it out of there.

Originally over $200 from LFS. Have had it for several months.

Anthony 604-868-5553

Sorry, no pics because I lost my charger for the digi camera but lots of local reefers have been over and seen it in person.
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!

Last edited by SeaHorse_Fanatic; 08-29-2009 at 12:16 AM.
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