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Old 08-28-2009, 02:31 AM
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Default T.A. Nitrate Destroyer experiences?/Vodka dosing questions

Does anyone have any experiences with T.A. (Tailored Aquatics) Nitrate Destroyer? I started using it 12 days ago and so far it doesn't seem to be doing much.

Lance I read that you were using it, and I think Tony has used it? How did it work for you? When did you start to notice it was helping? Did it help?

It's only been 12 days for me but I have almost used up the whole bottle (dosing 500g it goes quick) just wondering if it's worth it to continue or not.

We try to do a 10% water change every week but there are weeks we fall a bit behind by a few days, and with our nitrates being high I was hoping that the T.A. Nitrate Destroyer would help.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie

Last edited by fishoholic; 08-29-2009 at 03:43 PM.
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