Originally Posted by StirCrazy
VHO isn't better, it is just easyer to obtain. I was under the understanding that the hellow lights bulbs were panasonics but ya if you can't get the hellolights ones and can get he csl get them then. or if you are buying 2 of them get one of each and see which you like better.
When I looked at the HelloLights Actinic bulb specs, it mentions that it is Panasonic Style. I guess when people say Hello Lights has Panasonic bulbs, they simply mean its the 4 Square pin style.
Steve, have you done any side by side comparisons (with meter and also just visually) between PC actinics and VHO actinics?
I ended up ordering a PFO VHO ballast and a URI actinic bulb. Should save me some headaches.