I had a tank incident last night. I'm not really certain what happened, my best guess is some kind of clam spawning event.
I've had spawn events happen before, they're never pleasant but never have they been this bad. I can't get the water to clear, I can't get my skimmer running (there's no surface tension in the water, it looks like it's trying to skim freshwater).
I'm watching my raccoon butterfly die, I mean, he might make it, but it would be a miracle. He's on the ground panting heavily.
I've lost my flame hawk. He would be nearly 6 years old.
To lose them like this. I can't take it. Yesterday, everything was fine. Even at midnight, the last time I checked on things before going to bed. This morning I woke up to a disaster.
Two 25 water changes, a sump cleanout, some carbon, and a double checking of all equipment to rule out equipment failure.
Sorry guys, I just need to vent. It's been a rough couple of weeks, I lost a couple clams over my vacation and a couple others were not looking so good lately, but I thought things were improving. Now this. I honestly feel cursed because anytime I've sort of posted anything about anything that was doing well, or even just feel "hey, this isn't so bad after allo" I get squashed.
I'm obviously not making any decisions in this mental state but I hate to say it, the writing is on the wall. My mental and physical health can't take this anymore.