Well, I have been lurking in the dark corners of Canreef for a little while now, and I figure it is as good a time to start posting as ever.
I am in the process of building a peninsula style 33 gallon nano. Currently I am running a sumpless tank, and I have made pretty much every newbie mistake, and every newbie problem in the book. From Cyano, Ich, hair algae etc etc etc...
My plan is to have less of these newbie problems, and I figure the best way to do that would be to show you fine folks exactly what I plan. Hopefully averting the inevitable screw ups before they happen!
Alas, I say this. But I have started already with my stand, and plumbing. I hope it is smart but we will see.
Here are some pictures of what I have done so far.
Just painted it black
And what the plumbing looks like
I plan on building a "ledge" around the tank, hiding the black at the bottom of the tank, and something to put stuff on (test kits, tools, umm... beer)
And finishing it with doors on one side and making it look prettier. I also want to build a part that will hide the overflow and connect with a canopy that I will later build.
Just a note, that this will be an LPS and softie tank as my wallet is on the light side and school is just around the corner.
Please let me know if what I done is silly, or needs some improvement. I am happy (or at least I pretend to be) to hear criticism.