Fish list:
Percula Clown x 3 $10ea this is a spawning group Group SOLD
6line wrass x 1 #20 SOLD
Ferry wrass x 1 $20 SOLD
Candy cane stripe wrass x 1 $20 SOLD
Mandarin gobie x 1 $20 SOLD
Convict gobie x 1 $20 SOLD
Bi collor blenny x 1 $15 SOLD
Sargasum trigger x 1 $75 (small about 4inch long) SOLD
Flame angel x 1 $25 SOLD
Yellow tang x 3 $15 SOLD
Sailfin Tang x 1 $ free to good home, he has a bit of head erosion i have had this guy for about 9-10years.ADOPTED
Kole tang $20 SOLD
Chevron Tang $60 SOLD
Atlantic Blue Tang $25 (JUV) SOLD
Blue tang $ free to good home, he's big and runs the tank. ADOPTED
Red sea bristle tooth Tang $50 (can't rember the name of this guy)
Doctor Tang $20
Unicorn tang $20 SOLD
I will add an invert list later.
Last edited by dkcrx; 09-08-2009 at 09:58 PM.