Misc Equipment for Sale-Calgary
I am getting out of the hobby and have the following for quick sale.
75 gallon tank and metal tubular stand. Tank has crack in top corner, but was professionally fixed prior to me getting it. I have had setup for 2 yrs with no problem. This is NOT DRILLED $125
48" Coralife Power Compact Light Fixture w/4 96w bulbs and 4 moonlights. $100
Aqua C Remora Skimmer w/ Overflow Sold
Red Sea Prism Skimmer Sold
Almost full pail of Reef Crystals Sold
37 Gallon tank and black wood stand comes with flourescent fixture and Aquaclear filter $50 pending
Tunze Powerhead(large non controllable) Sold
Box of misc test kits, heaters, nets etc. $10
2o gallon tank and stand $15
10 Gallon Tanks x2 $5ea
Will keep updating as I discover more
Need all gone ASAP. Message me for best results.
Last edited by mikeyd; 08-28-2009 at 03:25 AM.
Reason: Updated