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Old 08-23-2009, 05:47 AM
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fishoholic fishoholic is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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5 1/2 years ago Steve (my boyfriend) wanted a FW tank. I always thought tanks were noisy and annoying, but he really want one so we got a 20g FW tank. I started to like the fish and after a short while we added a 15g, a 8g and a 5g (all FW tanks) into the mix. We admired my friend Lee's (aka bulletsworld) SW tank but it looked complicated and living in a smallish condo we didn't have a lot of room to set one up. Fast forward almost a year and we sold the condo and bought a house. In the house we kept the 20g FW tank and set up a 110g brackish tank. On boxing day 2005 we bought a 60g tank that was intended for our FW fish that were outgrowing the 20g. Started thinking about Lee's SW tank and started to ask her many many many questions about how to set one up. She told us about canreef and we ended up selling all our FW and Brackish fish and took the plunge into salt water.

Since then this is a list of tanks we've had: it all started with the 60g, then came a 10g mantis tank, then a 10g JBJ Nano Cube which turned into a 15g long tank which turned into a 30g cube tank. Then we thought we'd combine our 60g and 10g together in a new larger tank with a sump and refugium area for Mr. mantis. So the 60g and 10g turned into a 120g with a 50g sump. Then we realized the 120g wasn't nearly big enough for our tangs and we were tired of topping off our 30g cube all the time. So the 120g and 30g turned into the 230g reef tank (that I have now) and we ended up using the old brackish 110g tank that we had for a sump. We added baffles to it but the baffles we put in it blew out shortly after setting it up, so 2 rubbermaids became makeshift baffle/refugium compartments. Stared liking angelfish more and more so after buying a few two many for the 230g reef tank we have, we added another tank and set up the 230g fowlr tank that we have know. Also at that time we changed out the 110g sump for a proper 90g (with baffles and real compartments) sump.

So here I am 3 1/2 years into the SW hobby and many tanks later, with the final tanks (so far) being two 230g tanks all plumbed together into a 90g sump. Ironically the only SW inhabitant that I still have from the first few months into the hobby is my mantis. My CBB is a close 2nd who came a few months later.

Hummmm...... a 60g-80g cube frog/toad fish tank might be nice.........
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie

Last edited by fishoholic; 08-23-2009 at 05:53 AM.
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