08-23-2009, 03:39 AM
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Victoria, B.C.
Posts: 1,192
2 Coralife ¼ HP AquaChill Chillers
One available now, the other available this Friday.
The one available now was purchased on Oct 23/07.
The other one was purchased Nov 2/06.
Both come with a Hagen 110 (aka 901) powerhead as the pump.
$350 each.
Here's a pic of the one available now...
2 ZeoVit Reactors. 1 x 3L; 1 x 5L
I can't find the receipts on these, so I can't recall exactly when I purchased them, nor what I paid. My maintenance log says I started the 3L up on Nov 12th/08 and the 5L on Nov 14th/08.
Continuous flow pump for the 5L is a Sedra KSP-5000 and for the 3L a Sedra KSP-3500.
Both have been modified to take a Mag Drive Surge Pump. 5L has a Mag 24 on it; 3L has a Mag 18. Timers included for the surge pumps, programmed to come on for one minute, twice per day. To be clear, this mod is not intended to replace the required manual pumping of the Zeolite daily.
Don't want the mod?.....just cap the tee off.
5L available now; 3L available this Friday.
$300 for the 5L; $200 for the 3L.
Here's a pic of the 5L...
2 Noma 400 Backup Power Systems
One available now, the other available this Friday.
Purchased from C-Tire in 2008. (Can't quite read the exact receipt date. Fading).
Anyway,....$75 each.
Other items…
Mag 18 Pump. Never used. Still in box. $150.
Hagen AquaClear 901 (aka 110) powerhead. $25.
Algae Free Tiger Shark Float Cleaning Magnet. $70.
Mainlanders…will not ship, however, am willing to deliver big ticket item(s) to buyer(s) at turn-off along Tsawassen Ferry Terminal causeway. The catch?...add $120 to pay for my ferry fare to and back.
Mainlanders…re: the lights…my car is not conducive to transporting these. If there is a whack of interest on the other items, I could perhaps rent a van. Or….you could come visit sunny Victoria and get them then .
Cheers ,
Last edited by Johnny Reefer; 08-23-2009 at 04:24 AM.
Reason: Added pics