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Old 08-21-2009, 11:42 PM
Barrie Barrie is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Aldergrove, BC
Posts: 16
Barrie is on a distinguished road


Okay, after talking at length with several people, including the guy at J&L we decided against a protein skimmer at this point and will go with plenty of regular (once weekly) water changes. The two perc clowns are VERY happy, but I'm wondering if they are related to piranha? (I know they're not, but they sure are cheeky!). Every time my husband puts his arm/hand in the tank to do something, he is attacked by clowns. The larger (female?) circles his hand, then darts in quickly and hammers him, the smaller male just darts in and out trying to bite him. They are obviously well named as they truly are clowns. Can't tell you how entertaining it was to watch my hubby scream like a little girl the first time they did it! LOL!! (no really honey, it was funny - water everywhere, you yanking your hand out of the tank, things flying - funny stuff!!). Here's where we stand with regards to 'livestock'

-2 percs
-3 peppermint shrimp (cleaned up the aptaisa beautifully!)
-electric blue hermit (I know now that he wasn't the wisest choice, but he's pretty good at not lumbering over everything)
- 6 tiny blue legged hermits, 2 red legged hermits
-12 - 15 assorted snails (including an infinitely interesting Tonga snail!)
- riccordea
- small colt coral
- small pulsing xenia (two separate stalks - or whatever that part is called)
- anthelia
- yellow polyps (parazoanthus?)
- unknown zoa (brown edges, green centers)
- plate coral (fungia sp)
(can't forget my little pieces of Halimeda and Grape Caulerpa macroalgae).

Now, given that we have few fish (and are in no hurry to add others), but would like to add a few more corals/ricordea/mushrooms, etc. we're wondering what kind of 'dosing' will be needed at this point. Remember that we're doing this rather low-tech right now, no skimmer, fluval with carbon and phosban, two Hydor Koralia's and lots of live rock (about 45 pounds or so in the 29 gal hex tank). We run a Coralife reflector light (actinic & blue) for a few hours in the morning, then that goes off when the 150 watt metal halide goes on at 10am, then that goes off at 6pm and the Coralife goes back on for a few more hours. We have a CFL UV light for night viewing.

So, if you've read through all that, you deserve a medal! LOL My husband wants to start dosing with Seachem's Reef Complete and Reef Plus. We also need to get some phytoplankton food as well. Good grief for utter and complete newbies, this is crazy! LOL Anyway, any opinions or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

Tank parameters:
Specific gravity - 1.024 (please don't quote me on that, my husband checks these things and I'm going by memory as he's not here right now to ask!)
Ammonia - zero
Nitrite - zero
nitrate - 5ppm
phosphate - zero
Temp - averages 80 degrees
ph- 8.3

thanks for any help, suggestions, offers of alibi's when we have to rob a bank to cover the impending addiction! Much appreciated!
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