Originally Posted by dreef
Yes well we all don't live in a city that has a wonderful LFS to buy from.And we all don't have a big sack of cash...just try and bare with the people that might have had to save up,even if it was 10 dollar frags.I learned,never ever going that route again,there's other great online stores,to buy from.
If money is that hard to come by then shouldn't one be more careful with it? In my mind ordering livestock online contains obvious risk. In addition this hobby in general is a huge luxury and far from any life requirement. If money is tight all the more reason to smarten up, coral is not a good investment no matter how you look at it.
Originally Posted by Canadian
Wow. Blame the victim much? While I can see where you're coming from it simply doesn't excuse the apparently appalling business practices of this vendor.
Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.
About a year back I ordered from this vendor, it didn't work out the greatest so I simply didn't order from him again. In the end I got something shipped to me, it wasn't exactly what I ordered and most was DOA but that's the risk you take ordering livestock online from a guy with a fish tank and a website.
I should also note my first post was not targeted at the original poster, just a general observation and response as lots of people seem to be complaining about the vendor in question.