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Old 08-20-2009, 04:30 AM
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Aquattro Aquattro is offline
Just a guy..
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Location: Victoria, BC
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Aquattro is a jewel in the roughAquattro is a jewel in the roughAquattro is a jewel in the roughAquattro is a jewel in the rough

Here are my thoughts, which may or may not reflect the opinion of Canreef.
People bitched for years to have us provide some sort of vendor feedback. We finally did. This vendor got far too many "very unsatisfied" ratings, and anyone wishing to make a purchase should have checked. At very least, ask for PMs on experiences.
Canreef does not and cannot regulate business practices of vendors, we only sell advertising space, with the assumption that the purchaser of this space will conduct business in an honest and fair manner.
Once Canreef became aware of complaints, we checked the ratings page. Almost half were satisified, and people continued to organize group orders.
Really, we have to give the benefit of doubt until such time all doubt is removed.
So yes, if you kept ordering after all the warnings and ratings, well, that was just dumb. A deal isnt a deal if you don't receive your goods, which was the common outcome of most reported dealings.
To the original poster...just because a seller has a website and pays some advertising does not in any way mean they are a reputable vendor. I can put together a site in 20 minutes and get it advertised somewhere, it means nothing. Before anyone sends any money over the Internet for anything, they need to be sure of what they're buying and from whom.
There was enough negative feedback on this guy to set off warning bells, if you didn't listen, or investigate properly, this is the type of outcome to be expected.
As for recourse, unless your Visa will reverse the charges, you're probably hooped. Sueing someone in a different province for a likely smallish amount is likely not to worth the hassle.
I can only hope that people will no longer be trying to organize these group buys.
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