Thread: Onyx Clown Fish
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Old 08-19-2009, 09:52 PM
Nebthet Nebthet is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
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Posts: 356
Nebthet is on a distinguished road

Yes I know what you mean about the full coloured Onyx and price availability within Canada. It is hard to get a decent pair.
Places like Reef Aquatica who sell "Half-Onyx" unfortunately are, in my opinion, preying on those peoople looking for an onyx, and all he is selling them is True Percs for high prices. Now if you are lucky though, you will get a true SA Onyx from him.

As for my little guys, I am definately hoping they breed in the future. My larger baby Omen is already doing the shimmy dance when Big Momma, my wildcaught SA Onyx goes near the baby encloser. She seems more interested in him too than the picasso who has free roam with her.

Runt, the small baby seems more interested in the picasso, so it will make an interesting match. Those two will be going in a 25g on their own to do their thing.
If I happen to get eggs eventually, I at least have help from a local hobbyists who breeds B&W Occies, who is excited to help me.

The one thing we need is definately to get a couple good breeders of the Onyx in Canada so we can get them a little more available and reduce their price a bit.
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