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Old 08-16-2009, 02:16 AM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
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Location: Lyalta, East of Calgary
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sphelps is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Sebae again View Post
Looks great! Amazing pieces .Do you think the clams add a substantial impact to the health of your tank?
Thanks! Possibly but I think my skimmer does most the work.

Originally Posted by Mikee View Post
Nice bimmer! I have 1 too. I like the tank so far it looks really good! do the sps not sting the horsies? How much flow do you have in there right now? I really like your choice on fish thats something like i wanted to do but was told it cant be done lol.
Sweet which one? I haven't noticed a problem with any corals and the seahorse, but it doesn't hang onto the sps corals very often and when it does they don't seem to bother him. I have two Tunzes but they alternate and pulse to prevent hard steady flows and they turn down in the evening. I'm currently using a quiet one 4000 until my RD arrives which will be plumbed into the two outputs instead of just the one.
I was going for something different so I'm glad you like it, everyone gets alone fine, if you're a little careful with the species and size selection it's pretty easy to do.
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