Sorry, I wasn't clear! We added a second Koralia and have the Fluval outflow on quite high power (near the surface, churns the water a bit). Both Koralias are on one 'wall' about 4 or 5 inches from the top of the tank, facing the opposite wall a bit further down - making the current swirl the zoas (I think that's what they are) quite a bit. There's current from top to bottom without it being directed right at the rock. We read that directing it at the rock will scour it - not good, right?
As for media in the Fluval - here's where I have to curb dh a bit now & then. Last night, he added foam filters to the canister along with carbon. It had been running for a while empty - read somewhere that carbon is good. Not sure why he added the foam filters, but they'll be coming out tonight for sure. We're going to leave the carbon in for now (something about water clarity?). We're open to suggestions, believe me!! But I think everyone will agree with me that the foam needs to go asap.
How do you guys deal with something that dies and you can't reach it without completely dismantling the aquascape? We have a snail that looks like its not going to make it (upside down at the back of the tank for more than a day). So far our nitrite and ammonia are 0, nitrate is 5ppm. I'm going to take a quick video tonight to show the way the current rolls through it. Any excuse to look at the tank! LOL
Yup, we're hooked!! Thanks for all the information, much appreciated!