they're gone
so after having them for months (see first post), they've disappeared... nothing cangde, I have been trying to stabilise my system, fought a bit of cyano, nuked a surprise aiptasia (as I said, hadn;t added anything in ages) yesterday, played with the water flow, enhcaned the skimmer etc... my livestock is fine and I have to confess, I don't even test the water anymore, it's all playing it by ear, but anyways, I digress, the point is, the sexy shrimp have disappeared!
they used to host my frogspawn and occassionally my mushroom (yeah, I have ONE), but now they're nowhere to be seen... for the last 2 weeks they've been gone, and I could find one a couple days ago hiding in the rock crevices, but now he is gone too... so who knows?
any ideas?
I look at Hank (yellow watchman) with suspicion...