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Old 08-10-2009, 03:36 PM
megs_clark megs_clark is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: chilliwack
Posts: 117
megs_clark is on a distinguished road

HAHA, gotta say, thats a funny picture, blow torching the little buggers away! I have tons of them though. After i posted the add, the next day i started to see tons in every nook and crany, its crazy. Some are aptasia and some look a little different. Like darker brown and the look stiffer, and thiner but look the same otherwise. Do you think i could turn the oven on broil and let it heat up then just put the rock in for a a few mins? Kinda like a blow torch but then the heat would be getting everywhere? I just picked up a 72 gallon that im going to need to cycle once i figure out were to drill it for a herbie overflow so i was thinking of either doing the broiling in the oven, or a quick dip in boiling water and then letting it cycle for a bit longer in the tank since its going to need to cycle for 6 weeks or so anyways, and add some of my crushed coral from my current tank to seed it to get a little bacteria going on a couple weeks? Do you think that would work?
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