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Old 08-07-2009, 01:38 AM
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Originally Posted by LostMind View Post
About standard tank sizes, I never really thought of that. LOL. I'll have to shoot off a few emails today to see if I can find some standard size, reef ready tanks...
I'm not sure I've ever seen any 36" reef ready tanks. However, I see that Bulk Reef Supply is now selling nice black acrylic overflows. Cut to length, and silicone it in. Then drill the back or bottom of the tank. BRS also sells cheap good-for-5ish-holes glass drill bits too.

Speaking of overflows, do a Google search on "Herbie reef overflow". It's a "new" style of overflow that is honestly silent. You will need a gate valve for the Herbie (also found for an unbeatable price at BRS), don't cheap out and try a ball valve.

PS I'm an idiot, you're looking for a reef ready, of course you have a sump. *smacks forehead*
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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