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Old 08-06-2009, 11:53 PM
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Dez Dez is offline
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Edmonton
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Good news. It's been a couple of days since the 100% water change. Fish are doing awesome. I bought 3 clownfish and they are doing well and eating. Good polyp extension on whatever frags I had before, so I think whatever problem I had is solved. I have to start raising my calcium though because I tested it and it's only 320 - 340ppm. DKH is good at about 8. I'm surprised reefer's best salt tested so low in calcium. I tested twice just to make sure. Regardless, this is a minor problem.

This is what it looks like now:

From the living room:

Man, I have to start using a camera other than my cellphone. Those pictures suck. Sorry guys.

My cabinetry for the other side should be coming sometime in the next couple of weeks so I added a fan today so that the canopy stays dry. I had this 12V DC fan from 5 years ago. It's adjustable speed so I have it dialed down so that I can't hear it. Just a bit of airflow to keep the canopy dry. The less voltage, the slower the fan goes. I think I got the fans at Princess auto ages ago.

And mounted:

Hopefully its smoother sailing from here.
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