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Old 08-06-2009, 04:37 AM
LostMind LostMind is offline
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Default I've been out of reef tanks for a while


I used to run a bunch of reef tanks. Cracked a big ol 320g, kinda lost my interest after that (it was never full of water, but what a colossal waste of money and effort). My Dad always loved my tanks tho...

So my Dad and I were supposed to set up a tank together for him in his condo for quite a while; years actually. I got him a bunch of the equipment but we somehow never got the tank actually running - we were both busy, I had a new baby, etc. Then, in jan of this year he passed away unexpectedly after heart surgery (we were told he was an excellent candidate with little chance of complication... death was never mentioned as a possibility really).

Now... I'm his executor and I have to go to his place often and the tank we almost had setup is sitting right there in his dining room, haunting me. Literally, it almost brings me to tears, the guilt I feel over not spending more time with him.

Long story but I think I need to setup a reef tank as a memorial to my Dad.

A couple of problems though...

* the only space my wife will like the tank is an odd shape 40" long x 23" deep. Pretty sure there aren't many reef ready tanks that fit this nicely. Meaning, I need something custom most likely.
* Due to the wife, it has to look pretty... meaning a beautiful stand mostly. If it were me, a 2x4 stand would be enough
* I'm not a great DIY guy, due mostly to lack of time... although I'm not the most gifted in that area I can get by.
* I've been out of the "scene" for a few years, not really sure what is the latest & greatest or what has actually been proven to work recently, etc. Nor do I know if there are any new custom aquarium/stand builders and so on. Of course I know JL and Ocean Aquatics are probably still the best shops for livestock - is there anything new recently?

I like sps & fish. Clams too, but not sure if I am going with sand for substrate or not. I want something relatively simple, good skimmer, good lights, good flow, low maintenance. I really do not want to bring myself to the poor house for this tank. My 10 month old daughter is sending me there soon enough, I'm sure.

Basically, I'm hoping that the Canreef community can point me in the direction of new reefkeeping tips & tricks, good deals and so on. I have patience, so this tank will likely come together slowly over the next few months.

Thanks everyone.
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