You have two choices.
1. You prepare a QT, catch the tang and treat her for ich in the QT.
The best time to catch her is in the evening. Put some food in an area where there is space to net her and scoop her up.
2. Start a regimen using garlic extract (garlic extreme which you can buy from the LFS or garlic extract which you can buy from a health food store. I dont know if the other garlic products are watered down).
Use nori. Tear it into pieces and place them in a saucer and soak the pieces with garlic extreme. Feed as much as you can and only feed garlic soaked food. The idea is to get as much garlic extract in the fish as possible. In a couple of days the ich will lessen on the fish but keep on feeding for a couple of weeks as the ich will return.
Stress caused by incompatible fish, small tanks, and changes in water conditions often lead to an ich outbreak. High temperatures could be the cause of the flair up.
Do not put any medication in your main tank as most don't work or will damage the other critters in you tank.
Good Luck