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Old 08-04-2009, 02:20 AM
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Pazil Pazil is offline
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Thanks for the comments guys.... Doug The water turnover in the sump will not change from what it is now in regards to vollume anyway.... As far as the drainage from the main floor tank... I have installed a back check valve so that should eliminate the siphoning for the most part... so that just really leaves the amount of water from the main floor overflow (about 5 gallons). I don't think that the water level (correct me if I am wrong) in the fowlr tank should really change because there is no overflow and the two tanks are running parallel to each other. I guess next weekend I will find out though....... Should be scary!! I think that if anything I will run the 60g sump about half full and then if there is a power outage it can catch the 5gallons from the main floor overflow and what is in the pipes and the water level in the sump and fowlr tank should balance themselves out. HOPEFULLY!!!!

Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
Will the sump be able to handle all the drainage from the two systems in the event of a power outage? That would be my only concern. Cant believe you talked "Mama" into the whole idea. Good for you though...looks good....Im envious.
210g Mixed Reef
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